Algo Mike - Algo Trading Pro - Page 2

May 10, 2022

We found that our two moving averages trend following systematic strategy works better with a simple stop loss, or at least it works better on MSFT. In this post, we will experiment with AAPL and SPY. If the new strategy generates improved performance on these securities as well, we may consider this an indication that we are up to something here, and further investigating this strategy makes sense. If not, then we would like to know why. So we will back-test the strategy again in Zorro Trader, but this time for AAPL and SPY. Let’s start with Apple, Inc. The Lite-C code is the same, and the result is in the picture above. The detailed performance review is below.

May 10, 2022

Some traders believe that a stop loss is always necessary in any systematic trading strategy, primarily as a risk management measure. Other traders believe that a stop loss can do more harm than good, and a well diversified trading portfolio should not need stop losses. Both sides are right and wrong at the same time, but this is a more complicated conversation that goes beyond the scope of this post. Zorro Trader offers a multitude of stop loss options.

For the novice algorithmic trader, we believe a stop loss is necessary, especially when one uses lagging indicators with long formation periods. Moving averages are a good example. A bad trade would end eventually based on your own crossover exit signal, but a stop loss should get you out of the loosing position sooner.

May 10, 2022

Let’s take a closer look at the bad trades that are destroying our profits in the Microsoft back-test. Clearly, our simple systematic trading strategy works, and Zorro Trader enters and exits trades profitably when a sustained trend exists. The bad trades occur almost always when the price wiggles a lot around the moving average, which usually happens when the market is in a trading range. During those periods, the moving average is almost horizontal (no trend) and the price fluctuations seem to be random noise. But they do trigger a lot of small losing trades, because there is no trend to follow – and it costs us a lot of money.

May 9, 2022

We will try to back-test our simplest trend following strategy in Zorro Trader for two more underlying assets. We selected Apple, Inc. (AAPL) and Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) because both exhibited fairly long and sustained trends in the past, so they should be suitable for any trend following strategy. Our simplest systematic trend following strategy did not perform very well on the SPY ETF, and we want to compare the performance with these stocks. Here is the full code of the strategy again: